A friend of mine and I were discussing how despite great press, his theater company is having a difficult time getting people in the seats. They have won awards from the LA Drama Critics Circle and receive great reviews in all the major local papers. I don't really want to say much more about the company because I just want intuitve answers. We have our theories, but I'm just curious, what gets YOU to decide to go see a specific play?
What get's you to go see a play?comedy club
Personally it has to do with finances for our family. There are four of us who all love theatre and with the prices they charge anymore we just can't do it that often. It has to be a show that appeals to all of us for us to be willing to do it. Hubby and I did go see Curtains on a 'date night' without the kids and they pitched a fit that they didn't get to go (ok, it was just the teenager!) Sometimes we try for the lottery, but we haven't gotten lucky yet! It money were no object, I'd see everything!
What get's you to go see a play?sheet music opera theater
i hate theatres.
Hmmm...lots of different things. It depends on everything down to convience, ticket prices, how far away the theater is, the cast etc. I, personally, like to stay in my little local area, so I would generally go see a local play, highschool play or something like that rather than travel to larger theaters to see headlines. Then it becomes an "event" with some planning...however as I said before it depends on the show and the cast. I have also noticed that a lot of times, theaters don't have good parking, so it is always a hassle finding a parking spot, remembering where it is, walking a mile to the theater in heels...you get the picture. But this is just me personally, I love theater, there is nothing like it! I have noticed that other young adults have not necessarily been introduced to good theater and as a consequence don't know what it is like and cannot appreciate it. They have seen Les Mis the movie but completely miss out on the passion that comes through the music and songs etc. I think it is more of an education and generation thing. And movie theaters are generally cheaper and more convienent. Sad times. Good luck finding your answer!
If its Shakespeare, particularly not Hamlet or Midsummer's Nights Dream, then I go see it.
Also, if the theater is outside then I'll go see it.
I love theater.
Generally, I'm attracted to either:
1) Specific plays/authors that interest me; or
2) Theatre companies with which I have prior experience. Once I know that a company delivers the goods on a regular basis, I'll see as many shows there as I possibly can.
If I like what the synopsis of the play suggests that the play is about.
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