Thursday, December 10, 2009

Algebra question?

Here's the question:

An opera house is planning to put on a performance and wants to determine its ticket prices. The theater has an orchestra section that holds 550 people, a mezzazine section that holds 140 people, and a balcony that holds 275 people. If they want a balcony seat to cost 20% less than a mezzanine seat, an orchestra seat to cost $5 more than a mezzanine seat, and a full house to bring in $16,400, how much should they charge for each type of seat?

This is what i have so far

x= orchestra seats

y = mezzanine seats

z = balcony seats

550x + 140y + 275z = 16,400

I guess i need two more equations, and this is what i have

z = y - .20

x = y + 5

Is this right? Or am I missing something else? If I do need another equation, what would it be? I plugged these two in, but it did not come out right. Thanks for your time

Algebra question?mr messed up

Here are my equations

550x+140y+275z = 16400

x = 5+y

z = 0.8y

This solves to x = 20, y = 15, z = 12

Tell me if this is funny?

Annoying Things To Do At A Drive Through Window

? Specify that this order is "To Go".

? Drive through the drive in backwards and let your rear seat passenger make the order.

? At midnight, ask if you are too early for Breakfast.

? When Ordering, start talking about the problems you were having with your car. Ask if somebody can take a look at it.

? Pay for a large order in pennies and nickels unwrapped.

? Laugh loudly when asked if you would like fries with your order.

? Demand to speak to the manager. When he comes on, complain that you did not like the way the employee said "Would you like fries with your order?"

? When asked if they can take your order, tell them you are just looking and drive off.

? Tell them you have to use the bathroom - Don't Order anything.

? Order a hamburger, no bun with two ketchup sachets - Thats all.

? Just stare at them when you pay and get your food. Don't break your stare and say " I know what you did to my food ! ".

? When they hand you your food, hand them a bag back with all the rubbish from your car in it.

Honk your horn the whole way through the line.

? When they come on the intercom, say "Sorry, I'm not here at the moment, please leave me a message".

? Pretend like your window is broken. Tell the employee this. Order with your door open, pay with your door open. Roll down window and take food through the window.

? Stand close to the speaker and yell your order, using colorful expletives in ways which would embarrass the patrons inside.

? After ordering, cover the speaker and mic with transparent tape. Watch as customers and order-takers are unable to hear each other and, thus, each raises his/her volume.

? Speak a foreign language (make one up if you have to). When the manager comes to the mic, speak English and inquire as to why the order taker had such difficulty understanding you.

? Attempt to take the order-takers order ("Hi, may I take your order?") before they get a chance to take yours.

? Order confusing items, i.e., "Hi, I'll have a large orange Coke and a small medium fries, please."

? In a crowded drive-thru line, place a HUGE order, then slip out of line and watch the fun as the person behind you is handed 40 bags of food.

? When you arrive at the window to pick up your food, hand them several bags of garbage and ask if they'll dispose of it for you. Make sure it smells.

? Drive through with a car load of naked people.

? Speak in such a garbled fashion that the order-taker will think there is a problem with the speaker and ask you to order at the window. When you arrive at the window, speak in the same garbled, incomprehensible fashion.

? Drive through with someone on the hood to accept the food.

? Bring along a Mr. Microphone. When the order-taker speaks, aim the mic at their speaker but do so while aiming the Mr. Microphone speaker at the mic to produce excruciating feedback of their own voice.

? Have a friend hide in the trunk. When you approach the window to pickup your order, have him start yelling and banging his fists on the trunk.

? If you are a male, have a female friend place the order by speaking VERY seductively and suggestively into the speaker. When she finishes, have her hide and pull up to accept your order. See how many of the order-takers fellow employees have been called over to the window to "check out the babe."

? All of the above work very well when done at the late night pick up window.

Ways To Annoy People At The Movies

Throw popcorn in the air and yell, "It's snowing!"

Go, "Oooooh..." whenever anyone kisses.

Clap when the good guy gets killed.

During the previews, yell, "Can you fast-forward it?"

Whenever the bad guy is doing something devious, say, "Watch out!"

Laugh very loudly at all the corny jokes.

Tell the man selling popcorn that the bathroom is flooding.

Yell out what is going to happen.

Wear a cape and when its your turn to get popcorn yell, "I'm Batman! Hahaha!" and run away.

Say that they cannot sit next to you because you invisible friend already is.

Dress for every movie as if it were the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Use empty chairs next to you as catapults with candy. Aim at specific people behind you and see if you can hit anyone in the back row.

Wear 3d glasses. Complain loudly how bad the effect are.

Bring a flashlight. In the middle of the film do shadow puppets on the ceiling.

Bring a remote control. Complain that you can't change the channel.

Sit front row, the minute the movie starts run out screaming.

Every time a character's name is mentioned do the Richmeister. (for a guy named Nick say, the Nickmeister, the Nickenator, Nickarino...)

Bring a beach ball. Toss it around.

Try to start a wave.

Become a bookie. Take bets on who will die first.

Sit in the back and throw eggs at the projection window.

Every time someone curses cover your ears and scream, "No profanity!"

Sing with the theme music.

Bring and use your own air freshener.

At the ticket booth, request tickets for really old movies, "I'll have two tickets for the Goonies."

Throw spit wads on the screen. Try throwing them on the upper part of the screen so they can't get scraped off.

Pass around a collection plate and see if anyone contributes.

Point a laser pointer at the screen. Give the audience a laser light show.

Bring a book and a bright light. Start reading the book with the light on. When someone asks you to turn out the light, yell, "Shh, I'm trying to read!"

Use binoculars. Stare at the audience rather than the movie.

Bring a Nintendo laser gun. Shoot at the screen.

Clap loudly every time a person walks into the theater late.

When someone kicks the back of your chair, scream, "Ahhh, whiplash!"

Ask what the theater's return policy on popcorn is.

Ask the person at the ticket window, "Do you work here?"

Start a standing ovation at the end of the movie.

Quote all dialogue 4 seconds after it is said on the screen.

Get up frequently and leave the room while singing "Let's all go to the Lobby to get ourselves a treat"

Every time there is a gun shot scream, "Hit the floor!", jump on the floor, and cover your head.

Wear one of those "cat in the hat" top hats.

Get 3 people together and act like you are Crow, Tom Servo, and Joel from Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Before the movie starts, stand up, and imitate the Truth commercial saying, "The makers of this film couldn't find any way to make their characters rebellious, rockin`, or cool so instead, they'll just smoke."

When someone walks by you in the aisle scream, "Ahhhhhh! Bad Touch!"

Play musical chairs, getting up frequently and moving right next to someone sitting by themself.

Bring your own beanbag chair and sit in the aisle.

During a love scene, stand up and run to the screen shouting "Hooters!"

Before the movie begins, tape fart cusions to various chairs in the theater room.

Bring a portable air popper, pop your own popcorn.

Bring a watergun and shoot it at anyone who begins talking.

Tie a cardboard box around your waist and walk up and down the aisles shouting "Get your popcorn, peanuts!"

Cough really loudly right at the most important part of the movie, so nobody can here it, like when the killer鈥檚 name is going to be said.

Bring a flashlight and shine it on the walls or ceiling, in advance draw an outline o#*@!uy screwing a chick (or perhaps another guy), then cut

out the outline and put it in front of the flashlight, so the image can be seen on the wall or ceiling.

Laugh hysterically during the sad parts in the movie, cry during the funny ones.

Smuggle in cans of roaches, locusts, ants, and other bugs that can annoy and reproduce quickly. You may even bring in some rats. Then sit in the very back, open the jars, and toss the bugs out on the ground. Since the floor is more slanted in the back the bugs will spread

throughout the theater faster. Be sure to be the first one to raise and scream "There鈥檚 a #*@!roach crawling up my leg!" Then run out into the

lobby and start yelling "there鈥檚 #*@!roaches in here!" Or "This theater is contaminated!" The theater will have to close down and fumigate the

showroom(s), and after this little "accident" no one will want to go back to the theater anyway!

Bring a pager or cellphone and set them off every 5 minutes, you can also set off a watch alarm if you have a loud one.

Say "Shhhhh" every 5 minutes.

Pass by a room that鈥檚 showing

Tell me if this is funny?tickets

i laughed my a** off and so did my b/f where did you come up with that stuff

Tell me if this is funny?ballet opera theater

i read some of it and yes it was funny
$#@%! You wrote all that!?

You know what,let me ask YOU the question.

How long did it take you to write all that? was definitely long
To make there jobs harder is not right, it is wrong. Don't want to see you at the movies, either. It is just plain wrong. But maybe, when you get older, you will grow out of it.
That takes too much energy to do. Reading it was exhausting in itself. Nah don't think I'd try that. I like my freedom and I wouldn't want to give it up to be in a cell with a girl named tough Bertha.
My BF %26amp; I laughed our t*ts off at the drive thru, but I couldnt even read the movie one. Its WRONG to be IGNORANT at a MOVIE
33% funny, 6% hilarious, 47% not so funny, 11% mean and cruel, and 3% nonsense. Thanks for wasting 10 miutes of my life.
Looking for lotsa attention, eh?
CONGRATULATIONS!! You won the award for first yahoo-er to use 1000/1000 character's when posting a question!!

you expect me to read all that ****?

gonna use a few

love the order and slip out of line one
The drive-thru ones were pretty clever, but the movie oens are plain rude. The difference is that people at fast food places are PAID top deal with you, while people at the movies PAID to be there. If you tried any of that crap in a movie I went to, I would aks to have you removed, or to have my money back and speak to the manager about their refusal to deal with the issue.

In other words, try the fast food stuff (I used to laugh about that sorta stuff back when I worked fast food decades ago). Don't do the movie stuff. I have actually had to ask theaters to remove people before and they did, with no money back to them.

Oh, another good thing is to try to mess with toll collectors. Pretent to speak some foreign language and try to get a receipt, without using any English words. I got a list of those as well.
it is funny but too long
it was funny for the first 15 than i realized i was going to be here for a while reading them so i stopped
A good one, thanks for the laugh
let me guess

yeah, pretty funny

What get's you to go see a play?

A friend of mine and I were discussing how despite great press, his theater company is having a difficult time getting people in the seats. They have won awards from the LA Drama Critics Circle and receive great reviews in all the major local papers. I don't really want to say much more about the company because I just want intuitve answers. We have our theories, but I'm just curious, what gets YOU to decide to go see a specific play?

What get's you to go see a play?comedy club

Personally it has to do with finances for our family. There are four of us who all love theatre and with the prices they charge anymore we just can't do it that often. It has to be a show that appeals to all of us for us to be willing to do it. Hubby and I did go see Curtains on a 'date night' without the kids and they pitched a fit that they didn't get to go (ok, it was just the teenager!) Sometimes we try for the lottery, but we haven't gotten lucky yet! It money were no object, I'd see everything!

What get's you to go see a play?sheet music opera theater

i hate theatres.
Hmmm...lots of different things. It depends on everything down to convience, ticket prices, how far away the theater is, the cast etc. I, personally, like to stay in my little local area, so I would generally go see a local play, highschool play or something like that rather than travel to larger theaters to see headlines. Then it becomes an "event" with some planning...however as I said before it depends on the show and the cast. I have also noticed that a lot of times, theaters don't have good parking, so it is always a hassle finding a parking spot, remembering where it is, walking a mile to the theater in get the picture. But this is just me personally, I love theater, there is nothing like it! I have noticed that other young adults have not necessarily been introduced to good theater and as a consequence don't know what it is like and cannot appreciate it. They have seen Les Mis the movie but completely miss out on the passion that comes through the music and songs etc. I think it is more of an education and generation thing. And movie theaters are generally cheaper and more convienent. Sad times. Good luck finding your answer!
If its Shakespeare, particularly not Hamlet or Midsummer's Nights Dream, then I go see it.

Also, if the theater is outside then I'll go see it.

I love theater.
Generally, I'm attracted to either:

1) Specific plays/authors that interest me; or

2) Theatre companies with which I have prior experience. Once I know that a company delivers the goods on a regular basis, I'll see as many shows there as I possibly can.
If I like what the synopsis of the play suggests that the play is about.

What is the cause of restless legs and the cure?

Sometimes at night or at other times my legs and calves feel very restless and it feels like I have to keep moving, kicking, or walking around. This feeling is annoying and uncomfortable. Sometimes I get it when I'm in a movie theater and I don't want to excuse myself from the seat but its almost unbearable to not stand up and walk around. Anyone know the cause or cure for this?

What is the cause of restless legs and the cure?concerts

This mostly happens when your muscle's are very tired, and the blood does not flow well. Try to put your legs up and massage them. Magnesium is very important for muscles so I would suggest to take some in form of capsules every day.

What is the cause of restless legs and the cure?headache opera theaterwhat you have is restless leg syndrome. It is sometimes runs in famlies. There is no cure but there are some drugs that will give relief. Requip, Klonopin, and mirapex are three. Be aware that a sometimes side effect of mirapex are compulsive actions (addiction to gambling or sex). Report It

My wife has suffered from this and it was especially bad when she was pregnant with our first child. Every doctors we talked to was basically clueless.

The research we did (on the internet) explained a nervous system problem. Either a pinch disk in your spine or other pinching of a nerve can cause these symptoms. Other reasons are a chemical imbalance in the brain, which led us to finally ask several holistic or herbal doctors and they both suggested the herb GABA prior to bed time. This seemed to work like a charm for my wife. That does not mean it will work for everyone, but it is safe enough to try.

Best wishes.
no.....but if you have rls they have meds , i guess ya should go and see the aunt has that.....i hope i dont get it........yukkk
I am not sure if there is a cure but the Dr can give you something to help you. I have had it a few times but it eventually goes away. My episodes happen at night when I am trying to go to sleep. I have to get up and walk.
Stop spreading your legs and stay off your back.
It's actually a major medical problem called RLS (restless leg syndrome), its not known exactly why it happens... now there is a medication for this, it commercials on tv, go to your doctor ... and ask for it
You know, its hard to tell if you really have it or not, I have a similar problem like I feel the need to constantly shake my foot or move my legs when I'm sitting down, and I most always prefer to stand than to sit. And the symptoms are described as having a pain of some sort in your legs which is what causes you to move them to aliviate it, I don't feel a pain, what I feel on occassion is a like muscle cramp, but I don't feel it all the time and I always keep moving my legs so it's hard to tell. I've never been to the doc about it, cuz I've gotten use to it. It drives my husband crazy though. Check out this site, it may give you some good info.

Good luck!

Is This A good Halloween Story?

Halloweentown was busy this time of year. They were setting up for the biggest Holiday of the year, Halloween. The town cleaners polished the town Jack o’ Lantern and shop owners were setting there best items for sale in the shop windows. The witches got ready to make batches of the there best potions to hand out to dinner guests, goblins and goblets began to carve jack o’ lanterns to light on the front steps to there Haunted houses. Vampires brushed there red velvet capes off and the were wolves prepared their best howls to the moon. Every thing was perfect and ready but behind all the happiness was a very evil person ready to ruin the holiday for everyone forever. The person the most excited was Maggie the head witch. She was 489 years old and had two mortal granddaughters, Sophie and Ally. Both were witches themselves but lived in San Jose California with there mother to live a normal life. But every year they visited there grandmother for Halloween since, they loved all the colors and magic this time of year in Halloweentown. “Good morning Maggie you seem awfully cheerful today.” Maggie gave Gretchen her biggest smile. “Yes I am. It happens my granddaughters are coming for a visit!” She whistled as she walked towards town square. Sophie and Ally would be arriving shortly and she could hardly wait, just than she heard a loud roar. The bus was here! The yellow schools bus burst out of the sky a trail of vibrant colors twirling behind. It slowly came to a stop beside the sidewalk. First the headless mail man, than the troll doll Susie, the giant witch wart Harry and finally Sophie and Ally. “My girls!” Maggie yelled collected each into a monster hug. “It’s so good to see you! Look at you girls, you becoming such beautiful young ladies.” Ally chuckled. “Were happy to see you to grandma, now I’ve been DIEING for some of those Haunting Home made Candy Corn of yours.” Sophie smiled “Yeah!”

“Okay girls now, I’ll need one ghosts drop of sweat, a were wolves piece of clothing, a pumpkin head seed, a Frankenstein stitch, a vampires tooth oh and some honey!” The girls smiled at each other, good old Grandma. “But Grandma,” Sophie asked across of the caldron, “How do we know where and how to get them?” Ally looked curios to. “Oh yes I nearly forgot!” She chuckled and went to the closet across of the kitchen, “Here is my magic book of spells.” She handed it to Ally with great pride. “Wow Gran, this is really cool.” Ally began to gently flip threw the delicate pages. “Yes it was passes down to my by my great, great, great, great, grandmother.” She smiled a sweet kid-like smile and patted the book. “Now you should be off than, there's lots of work to do.” Maggie said waving them off threw the door.

“Okay Soph, come on!” Ally grabbed her hand and the tip-toed into the Dentist Office. The two headed lady was to busy babbling away into the phone and typing on the computer to notice the two crawling past the desk into the Dentist room. “Okay open wide!” The dentist said. Than quickly he pulled the tooth out of put it in a tin beside him. Ally picked it up and tip-toed out. “Okay Soph one down, one to go.” Ally ran her finger down the page, “hmm next is a pumpkin head seed.” The thought for a moment than realized the perfect place. “To the pumpkin patch!” They yelled at the same time. Quickly they whistled to catch a cab. A yellow car screeched at there feet, “At your service!” The driver said. Ally and Sophie looked at each other, this isn’t any ordinary driver, he didn’t have eyes, or skin, he was a Skelton! Either way they needed to get there. Quickly the slid into the brown seats, “We need to go to the Pumpkin Patch.” Ally told the driver he laughed. “Yes ma’am!” He looked back, “You’re Maggie’s granddaughters right?” He asked as he drove quickly. “Yes,” Ally said sliding to one side as he turned a sharp corner. “We are…how did you know?” Sophie was enjoying the ride. “Ah Mag talks about ya’ll for the longest time!” He suddenly stopped. “You’re here!” He parked infront of a small little wooden stand infront of dirt, plain dirt. “Are you sure it looks…bare.” He nodded. “I can wait if you want.” Sophie stepped in. “Yeah please do!” They timidly walked to the field. “Hello?” Ally asked as her words echoed threw the air. “Looks like no ones here.” Than POOF appeared Mr. Pumpkinhead himself. “Hello! What would you like a jack o’ lantern,” He snapped his fingers a pumpkin wit a human face appeared, “Or,” he snapped his fingers an orange light bulb in a pumpkin shape appeared. “A flashy pumpkin,” he snapped his fingers again, “or a original.” A perfect pumpkin appeared. “Actually…” Sophie said. “I want to show you a magic trick.” She went behind him and put a blind fold around his eye slits. “There's a quarter behind you’re…” She plopped off the little circle on his head and pulled out a gooey sticky seed. “HEY!” He yelled feeling his head. “Thanks!” they yelled over there shoulder and ran into the car. Gasping for air Ally said, “To the theater!” They arrived several minutes later to the old fashioned theater. “Thanks bud, if you don’t mind could you wait a little longer…” he laughed, “Not at all.” So they slid out and jogged towards the theater. “Tickets ma’am?” A teenage gremlin asked. Ally snapped her finger behind her back and handed the man two tickets. They tip-toed in the same way they had to the dentist office. The opera was going on, and there in the middle stage was the main charter ready to perform to main scene when the were wolf strips off his clothes. “AHHH!” he screamed, quickly they ran up and snatched a piece off the stage and ran out of the theater. “Got it!” Ally puffed once outside. “Where’s our cab?” Sophie whispered. “Don’t be stupid its right…” she looked right, and left, he was gone. “Hey well we didn’t have to pay, good thing I don’t want to use my magic to get money.” Ally was feeling pretty good until Sophie tugged on Ally’s shirt. “Well…” she whispered slowly. “I…I don’t have the book.” Ally looked as if her eyes popped out of her head. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T HAVE THE BOOK!” she shouted. Sophie shrugged. “I though you had it...” Ally took a few frustrated breath than asked through clenched teeth “That book has been around for 5670 years and YOU LOST IT!!” she screamed the last bit. “You didn’t get it either!” She protested. “Right, I know and it couldn’t have held to much information that’s important…it can be replaced.” Sophie nodded. “Right?”

“Here grandma, take a sip of this brew.” Maggie was seated at a wooden rocking chair feeling faint. “I…I don’t know what happened. The skeleton, and the opera, and the pumpkins…” she rambled. “The skeleton?” Maggie asked. “Yeah he drove us.” Sophie piped up. “OH NO!” she groaned. “There's only one skeleton around here, Arnold. Arnold is the dirtiest trickiest most evil of all Halloweentown. His always wanted my book and the dirty rat got it.” She sighed and shook her head. Ally shrugged. “You can get it back, and why does he want it so bad anyways?” she asked. Maggie sighed a loud sigh making Sophie feel terribly guilty. “Because, Arnold isn’t one of us. He was originally a child a LONG LONG time ago, nearly 2000 years ago.” Ally cut in. “When Halloweentown was first invented?”Maggie nodded. “A evil man had put a spell on Arnie. Turned him into his Halloween costume. The poor boy turned into a skeleton. Anyways it’s a long story but he has always wanted revenge. And now he can get it.” Sophie understood perfectly. “By turning everyone what there wearing that night into there actual Halloween costume!” Maggie nodded, “Now since the gap between both our world and the mortal world isn’t to far he will perform this task tomorrow.” Ally groaned plopping down on the couch. “Now, now there's time, there's three of us and one of him. We just have to work quickly. I do remember the spell it goes, Make the mortals into the creature they precise, a life of what they pretend is what they receive!” She chanted. “Now all we have to do is REVERSE that. Make these mortals what they truly are, from what they dress as if very far!” She snapped her fingers with a smile, “Perfect! Now lets all try it together,” They each held hands in a circle and began to chant, “Make these mortals what they truly are, from what they dress as if very far!” They repeated it louder and louder for 3 times. Maggie clapped. “Great! Now about that Candy corn…”

The next day they all sat around the table brainstorming ideas. “Why are we doing this the mortal way it’s so slow!” She looked at them. “No offense. All I mean is we could use the crystal ball!” She bent over and rummaged around in her crocodile bag. “AHA! Here it is. She slammed a large ball on the table. “You may go now.” The bag pooped out legs and arms than walked itself back in the closet. Maggie began to whisper a few things than a loud notice began to come from it. Ally and Sophie jumped. “GRANDMA WHAT WAS THAT!” The screeched startled them. “Oh it’s just printed off some directions.” She smiled. “Im hipper than you think.” She snatched up the directions. “Now I think I have a few brooms kicking around.” She opened a wooden closet next to the steps. The closet was HUGE! It was as big as a shopping store, much larger than her bottom level of her home. “Take your pick.” The gazed at the shiny, wooden electric small and massive brooms. Sophie picked an original a wooden one with straw at the back. Ally picked the most high tech broom you would ever see. It was shiny and silver with metal where the wicker should be. “Good picks. Now let’s go we have to get to your world.” She closed the door behind them locking it swiftly. “But grandma you can’t...I mean you’ve never…are you sure?” Ally asked. “Yes Im sure! Now we have three tickets to the Halloween Ball.” Ally snorted. “Well never get tickets its old out by mid night on November 1st!” Maggie chuckled. She showed them three tickets handed both one. She shut the door to the old wooden home. It looked much like a horror cottage with falling shingles and cracked windows than a kind ladies home but she WAS a witch, it’s like the pumpkin heads that live in Giant pumpkins and Vampires who live the red velvet coffins. So they jumped on there brooms and soared to the giant pumpkin in town square. “Grandma we are going to miss the bus!” Ally noted glaring at the residents boarding the bus. “Now, now calm down.” She shook her head. “We need to go RIGHT to that Halloween Ball.” Maggie dialed in a few numbers and the Giant jack o lanterns eyes opened! “Alright than, to 4019 Lust Lane in the mortal world hey?” Sophie giggled. They never knew he talked. “What ya waiting for than get in!” he opened his mouth. The girl waddled on there brooms. Once they stepped in the were twirling downwards in orange and black swirls, “GRANMA WHAT'S HAPPENING!” Sophie yelled. “NOW GIRLS HOLD ON AND ENJOY IT WHERE NEARLY THERE!”Candy corn, gum and sugar coated candy filled the swirls tempting them to let go and grab a hold of themselves. Than slowly the color faded, the smell of sugar faded, and than they were outside of a Large hotel. “Were hereee.” Maggie sang springing her arms out nearly whacking a young couple with her broom. “Come on girl we don’t have long!” They handed there tickets over to a large man in black and entered the large booming room of people and mortal music. “Wow this place is rocking!” Ally shouted over the music. Maggie clasped the girls hands in her own and dragged them off towards the step to a higher level, looking down, probably where engineers fix the lights. “Now girls Arnie will be a skeleton, just a plain skeleton. When the clock strikes midnight the spell will be done forever.” Sophie was tugging on her Grandmothers shirt. “Not now Sophie!” she snapped. “But grandma look!” she pointed to a skeleton on the roof rail. They ran up the steps, it was 11:58. “Not so fast Arnie.” He jumped around clutching the book tightly to himself. “Back off Maggie this has nothing to do with you, I’ve been waiting for this all my life, and thanks to your granddaughters it will finally come true.” He laughed evilly. “Not if we can help it!’ Maggie said running up the steps. He pointed a finger at her. “Boil and Bubble make this witched fall to stop her trouble!” Maggie thumped; Ally and Sophie rushed to her side. “Are you okay grandma!” Arnie didn’t seem to care, it was 11:59 there was 30 seconds left, he began the rehearse the poem. “You girls have to try, hurry!” She weakly told them. They held hands and ignored Arnie rehearsing his own poem. “Make these mortals what they truly are, from what they dress as if very far!” they shouted 3 times colors twirling around the crowd. Than the clocks arm struck 12:00 a.m. They looked down, “OH NO!” Sophie shouted. The crowd had turned into all different things, goblins, lolly pops, lemons and cheerleaders were amongst them/ Maggie than remembered. Slowly rising to her feet she joined the girl at the rails, “Evil, sweet, sour and girly.” She laughed. “They turned into what they really ARE and what they look is very far. Do you get it? Lemons are the sour people, lollypops the sweet mortals.” She sighed and shrugged. “It’s what they deserve.” Ally pushed her eyebrows together. “Is there any spell to reverse it?” Maggie shook her head, they are what they are. Arnie hadn’t changed a bit, they noticed as they looked to the left. “Why isn’t Arnie different?” Sophie asked. “Well he has no heart, his a skeleton!” The girls laughed. It was almost like living in there own Halloween town the rest of the year, it wasn’t the same without Maggie but it was funny watching the lemon’s waddle around and the girl girls having to cheer very single moment. So they didn’t ‘Save the day’ but they came close!

Is This A good Halloween Story?playhouse

I think its a fine story but I think if you made it you took the story from the Disney movie "Halloweentown",you also didn't make sense why they would need to go to the Dentist's office they didn't need any tooth at all?? another reason you stole it from the movie since in the movie they needed a Vampire's tooth to help save Halloweentown from the evil warlock Callabar they needed ingredients to give this light power, you have some of the same names of the characters like Maggie (the grandma) Sophie(the youngest) there was no Ally but there was a Marnie(oldest) and there was another sibling I can't think of his name but it was a boy (middle child) other than that I didn't read the whole thing but I could care less since you stole it anyway! Sorry I just realized you said it was from Halloweentown! but either way why make a story from it anyway if you are going to be a writer then why can't you think of stories yourself or are you just too lazy? good story but I don't like reading things that I already have heard of before but you do need to make more sense THEY DIDN'T NEED TO GO TO THE DENTISTS 4 ANYTHING!

Is This A good Halloween Story?plays opera theaterOk then you don't need to harass me and call me names! Report It

Getting off topic,

isn't there a character limit?

how did you do that?? the limit is 1000 characters
this is like a whole book on yahoo answer
too lazy to even read all of that sry no question to answeer
You need to review that line by line. There are several instances of using "to" where it should be "too", "there" instead of "their", and there are missing punctuation marks, new sentences started where a comma should've been used instead, and lots of other little mishaps. IF you are reading the story, those things detract from it in a big way.

EDIT- oh, and I just saw a "than" where it should be "then".
well i liked it but it was kind of coping the halloweentown movie. but you could do it as a kids story since it is not as long as big books and the little kids have never just read the book halloweentown before.

***Here is another role-play question. How will you answer?

You are 18. You are in a dark, crowded movie theater with 2 friends. You came late. The theater was giving away free popcorn. You came to late to get some. It is so croweded all of the seats are filled. You have to sit on the floor and watch the movie. This is said to be the best movie within the past decade. As the movie comes on, the theater's screen turns black. There is silent through out the audience. The screen flashes back on. A gun fires. Everyone screams and hides under there seats. The screen reads " Now that we have confirmed that everyone has had some popcorn, we are happy to inform you that the popcorn was filled with a formula that will make you sleep. By the way, you won't wake up!" Everyone but you and your friends fall asleep. You and your 2 friends are relieved that you didn't get the free popcorn sample. You run to the door and it is locked. A ticking sphere lowers from the ceiling until it is on the floor.

***Here is another role-play question. How will you answer?classical music

I would pull the wire. Life is fleeting anyway. To endure the rest of my life knowing that I let all of those people die would be awful.

***Here is another role-play question. How will you answer?ms stress opera theater

First choice. I'm no effing hero!
I would choose the option that you didn't give, pull the wire on the bomb KNOWING that there couldn't be enough current running to the bomb to kill me. I mean really even 220 doesn't have the amps to kill and any device you would hook up to it, i.e. The Bomb, would fry and be useless if it had enough amps to kill.

Oh and another thing, if your going to die from electrical shock it would take less than 30 seconds, after that you would be unable to stand and drop to the floor and detach yourself.

Really lame scenario though.
See you guys later. :)
considering the fact that many of those things would never actually happen and the fact that those still in the theater are dead basically id leave, no point in saving dead people
My next move is eat my popcorn while looking at you with one eyebrow raised and saying, "Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude."
At first I was going to say, that I would have no idea what I would do in that situation, but then you threw in the stray bullets that shot my two friends. That lead me to the instant conclusion that the perpetrators can't be trusted to let me out free, so I might as well risk it with the bomb.
I forgot my choices and I'm deeply confused and shocked...I think I just want to get out but I want to save everybody too!
Screw the people that are sleeping and take your friends and get the hell out of there. Then if my friends died, I would get myself out of there. If the people that are sleeping won't wake up anyway, then why should I try to save them if it means that I'd die.
I want to say that i would help the others but there wouldnt be any point. everyone will be dead. so i would save myself and get the flip out of there!
if we hadn't already tryed the fire escape I think when my friends were shot I would sacrifice my life for the others
I would get out and then call tha cops.

or choice 1.

there are loopholes in everything, even the law
I would quickly find something rubber (flexible shoe, those silly bracelets that are so popular, etc.) and use that to insulate me from the shock as I disarm the bomb. That way, everybody wins!
Change channels and watch a different movie!
Well- actually I think I'll run outside. But I can guarantee that I will feel guilty about it for the rest of my life. So that's not fun either, but I guess that would be my punishment for being selfish. Hmm, don't know... tough questions. I'd probably choose to die to save the others either. Okay, HONESTLY, I don't know what I'll end up doing until this happens to me.
This sounds like saw. I would know how to grab a wire without it holding me for 5 minutes. When shocked your muscles tighten, so you must use an odd grip on it. I would not go to a late night movie for popcorn.

Here is another role-play question. How will you answer?

You are 18. You are in a dark, crowded movie theater with 2 friends. You came late. The theater was giving away free popcorn. You came to late to get some. It is so croweded all of the seats are filled. You have to sit on the floor and watch the movie. This is said to be the best movie within the past decade. As the movie comes on, the theater's screen turns black. There is silent through out the audience. The screen flashes back on. A gun fires. Everyone screams and hides under there seats. The screen reads " Now that we have confirmed that everyone has had some popcorn, we are happy to inform you that the popcorn was filled with a formula that will make you sleep. By the way, you won't wake up!" Everyone but you and your friends fall asleep. You and your 2 friends are relieved that you didn't get the free popcorn sample. You run to the door and it is locked. A ticking sphere lowers from the ceiling until it is on the floor.

Here is another role-play question. How will you answer?performing arts

i would go with #2

Here is another role-play question. How will you answer?binoculars opera theater

one. it's an easy choice
Well, guess I'll never get my name in the Bruce Willis' Hall of Fame, but I'd get the h*ll out. With my friends dead, I don't feel obliged to sacrifice my precious self for a crowd of strangers. Sorry, That's who I am :)
? That a hard one
number 2... i would sacrafice myself for others..

Has anyone here attended anything in the Honda Center in Anaheim? If so could you tell me how good s

204 is? This is for honda center in theater concert mode. Im going to a avril lavigne concert and have seats at section 204 and wondering how good it will be.

Has anyone here attended anything in the Honda Center in Anaheim? If so could you tell me how good section?symphony

Yes, well 204 is on the's not the worst and it's far from the best...there okay!

What could this dream mean?

Okay, I had this dream last night. Can you please try to tell me what it means?

It started out like this: I found out that my brother (age 17, and in real life i hate him) was having a drinking party outside our house. And I was so surprised and mad because my mom allowed him to do so.

And then all these cars started driving real fast into the party. And EVERYONE was drinking and getting drunk. I saw my old friends (who I used to be really close with, but not anymore) getting drunk. But the people who didn't want to get drunk stayed inside my house.

So I was in the house because I didn't want to drink. And then there was all these dorks in the house with me, except for this one really cute and sweet guy.

Then me and him went to see a movie at a movie theater. But inside the movie, the chairs were different, like race car seats.

Then I woke up. What could this dream mean?

What could this dream mean?performing show

Well, I can tell you what the first part is. There's probably been something bugging you that you think is wrong, but everybody else thinks is cool. (aka drinking, smoking, etc.) I doubt you're aware of this feeling, but it's likely that you are. You might think that to do the right thing you have to be like a dork or somebody to not think it's cool. That's why there are all those weirdies in the house. but you find the one really sweet boy which probably means that somewhere you know that it is still right what you're doing. As for the movies and car seats... erm.... I can't tell you much about that. Probably just random thoughts. very common.

What do you think of my story?????? I just started it. If you want to read more please say so!!!!?

One gloomy day, Alexis, who is fifteen, and Taylor, who is sixteen, went to see a Broadway show(Taylor's parents had the tickets but they were out of town. So Taylor decided to invite Alexis.) After Taylor had picked up Alexis from her house in a cab, they started the long ride up to Los Angeles." I am really excited about this. It was really nice of your parents to give them to us," exclaimed Alexis. " I am excited to go with you," said Taylor. When they reached the theater the show was about to start. Finally they settled into their seats.Then the curtains came up. At the intermission, the went to get a coffe. " After the show, you can come and meet the cast if you would like to," said the cashier. " That would be fun. Lets do it!" said Alexis. Taylor agreed with her. After the show, Alexis and Taylor waited in the lobby for the longest time ever. And the odd thing was that no one esle was there. Then all of the sudden the two teenagers were knocked out.

What do you think of my story?????? I just started it. If you want to read more please say so!!!!?comedy show

It is a good start, but it sounds more like a short story. Hopefully, you will go back and edit for paragraphs and spelling.

You have a great idea so go with it. Just remember that "War and Peace" wasn't written after the first editing of it.

What do you think of my story?????? I just started it. If you want to read more please say so!!!!?greek theater opera theater

it sounds interesting, but way to corny. And you have to describe the day better. add metaphores and similies.
well girl that is good now
now i want to hear more
I like it, its pretty good. but is this just a brief summary of the beginning of your story? When writing novels make sure you don't spoon out all the information at once, make it a mystery so it draws the reader in saying, "really, i want to know more"
its okay i want to read more sound interesting
Woah, that was pretty good! I'm writing a story to, if you would like to Email me at Illinois_Heart@Yahoo.Com, and we can trade book chapters!

How to make a stink bomb?

My older brother used to takes us to the Saturday afternoon matinee and when the theater was jam-packed full of food-fighting kids, we couldn't find a seat.

So, my big brother took something out of his pocket that looked like a small ketchup package leftover from Wendys and, he stepped on it releasing the most foul, rotten-eggs ever! We got our seats all right but we had to put up with the stink for awhile.

Now just for chits and giggles, how can I make another big stink like big brother did?

How to make a stink bomb?events

A stink bomb or stinkbomb is a device designed to create an unpleasant smell. They range in effectiveness from simple pranks to military grade chemical agents.

At one end of the spectrum, relatively harmless stink bombs consist of aluminum sulfide, which smells strongly of rotten eggs. When exposed to air, the aluminum sulfide reacts with moisture, hydrolyzes, and hydrogen sulfide is released. Other popular substances on which to base stink bombs are thiols with lower molecular weight, e.g., methyl mercaptan and ethyl mercaptan 鈥?the chemicals that give odor to skunks and are added to natural gas. A variation on this idea is the scent bomb, or perfume bomb, filled with an overpowering "cheap perfume" smell. Prank stink bombs and perfume bombs are usually sold as a 1- or 2- ml sealed glass ampoule, which can be broken by throwing against a hard surface or by crushing under one's shoe sole, thus releasing the odorous liquid contained therein.

How to make a stink bomb?home theatre opera theateri know an easier way mix detergent with vinagar let it fizz wen its dun add water seabreeze and sesitive eye i made it and poured it on my friends garden it killed everyplant and knocked out my friend takes 3 weeks to set Report It

Stink bombs can be dangerous to the health of some people, especially little kids and people with respiratory problems. Not funny at all if people get sick.

*****Americans question? (Pls Answer)?

when i watch movie The Grudge 2 at philippines theaters with my American friends,

The Philippine peoples here was shouting and they were joking each other inside the movie theater and laughing at american movie, and some of them do not listen to the movie theaters rules and open their cell phones and texting and calling,they even kicking the front seated human with their feet! My american friend said, they will never watch movie again in the philippines. They have no respect! This is offensive!

Do you think we should watch movie like this?

*****Americans question? (Pls Answer)?say yes

no! Philippines really have no respect.

Because In America, that is considered the rudest thing you can do in a Movie theater. Luckily if you go to a manager here, you can have them kicked out.

you shouldn't have tolerated,

It could be their culture but really it means they are rude;;;

And no I'm not generalising....but really you should have complained...

*****Americans question? (Pls Answer)?palace theatre opera theater

I do not go to cinemas here in the u.s. if people are behaving like that. I will walk out and inform the manager. why should they ruin a movie and a nice night out for me, not to mention the cost- just because they are being stupid and immature
That type of movie theatre behavior is disrespectful. I am pretty sure not all the theatres in the Philipines are this rowdy. Just go to a theatre that enforces the rules more so everyone can enjoy the movie.
I saw the first Grudge I thought it was lame. I did watch it at home. No that isn't right that they kick the chairs and act up during the movie. I would have gone to the management and asked for a refund. Tell them that you couldn't concentrate on the movie because of other people's behavior.
Yah right, you have the right to get your money back. Complain to the manager that the night was not pleasant at all because of the desrespectful behavior of the other watchers. This scenario could happen everywhere not just philippines.
It's your money, you decide.

What is this movie?

Okay, this was a horror movie from the late 80s or early 90s maybe. It takes place in an old movie theater and these teen kids are planning a triple feature showing horror movies. The set the place up to have little tricks going on during the movies like the seats were going to shock you etc...

Anyway, a killer ends up in the theater too and starts killing people. The main female character also played in a lot of horror movies around the same time, she was the daughter in the original Stepfather, she was in Cutting Class and a few other low rate movies. Does anyone know what movie I am talking about?


What is this movie?getting late

The Actress is Jill Schoelen and the Movie you are looking for is called Popcorn. Which was released in 1991.

What is this movie?regal theater opera theater

The name of the movie you are trying to think of is 'Popcorn.'

It stars Jill Schoelen as Maggie. It was made in 1991, and it about a killer who attacks a group of film students at an old theatre, during a movie marathon.

In Stepfather she played Stephanie Maine - Terry O'quinn from Lost, played the title role.

Jill also played Paula Carson in Cutting class.

It's not available on DVD yet.

Speaking of Taylor Hicks: Anyone read this?

Taylor Hicks coming to Maryland Theatre

Hicks will perform July 6 at The Maryland Theatre, and the theater's director said Thursday that fans might want to line up the night before tickets go on sale at the theater's box office next weekend.

Tickets are expected to sell "very, very quickly," Torres said Thursday afternoon.

"He's one of the hottest things in music right now," said Torres, who called Hicks' live performances "amazing."

"He throws some jazz and blues in the middle of a mix of songs," Torres said.

Hicks' music is "bluesy and soulful" and he connects with the audience at his mostly standing-room-only concerts, Torres said.

The Hagerstown concert date was the most recent addition to Hicks' 56-city tour, Torres said.

Hicks' tour focuses on smaller venues like The Maryland Theatre, Torres said.

"It's a grass-roots tour for him,"Torres said.

Hicks is the first of many big names who Executive Director Brian Sullivan hopes will perform at the theatre, he said.

The Maryland Theatre seats 1,300 people, and 95 percent of those seats will be available for the concert, Sullivan said.

Speaking of Taylor Hicks: Anyone read this?ballet

Why not? He's a mix of everything.. he loves all music!!! and he should sell out fast! he is THE BEST!! :)

Thanks Kathleen!

Speaking of Taylor Hicks: Anyone read this?globe theater opera theater

This is great news! Unfortunately, however, I'd just been to Cali and I really cannot make another trip. He's a wonderful performer.
SOUL PATROL gotta love Taylor I am in Canada and have everything i can cross crossed hoping he will come here someday day soon. To me he was one of the best american idols.
taylor rocks my world

i going to see him next month
Thursday night ? I don't think so.
I will comment on this cause I just saw Taylor live for the 2nd time , and I would go again and again!! Anyone who has not seen Taylor Hicks perform live is cheating theirself out of a true 'heart %26amp; soul' perfomance! We were mesmorized by him, his energy, his singing, his dancing, his total performance was the Epitomy of a True Artist!

Generally I had been listening to country music only, my first love, but Taylor showed me the way to Soul and Blues like no other could!

Taylor , Please come back to Cleveland Baby, we LOVE YOU!!!!!

Cleveland Sandy

I took a test in statistics yesterday and I still can't figure this one question out...?

I was doing fine on the test until I got to the last question. It was on probability and permutations, combinations, and multiplication of choices...

The question was something like:

There are persons A, B, C, D, and E sitting at a movie theater in one row. How many ways can they sit in these five seats as long as C is to the right of, but not neccessarily next to B?

I knew how to get the first part of the total number of ways... How do you figure out how many to deduct because of the stipulation involving B and C? Can you take me through the steps. I am so pissed because my mind went blank and I just put the answer to the first part....

I took a test in statistics yesterday and I still can't figure this one question out...?sheet music

I would have just looked at the different possible scenarios

_1_ _2_ _3_ _4_ C (C is definitely to the right of B)

_1_ _2_ _3_ C _3_ (B cannot be chosen on the right of C)

_1_ _2_ C _2_ _3_ (Only A,D,E can be on right)

B C _1_ _2_ _ 3_

24 + 18 + 12 +6 = 60 ways

I took a test in statistics yesterday and I still can't figure this one question out...?state theatre opera theater

if B sits the leftmost, C can sit in any other 4 and still being B's right. other 3 can be arrange as 3P3.

if B 2nd left most, C may have his seat in any 3 of B's right. and so on, putting B first, and making sure C follow the rule(s) and placing the others last.

BC placing

= 4+3+2+1

= 10

ADE placing

= 3P3

= 6

placing all 5

= placing BC * placing ADE

= 10*6

= 60

There is this friend of mine that I found out likes me more than a friend.?

He asked me out to a movie and I thought what the hell I'll go for fun. So we go, he buys me my ticket, I bought the food, we sat and talked waiting for our theater to be ready. When it was we went inside and picked the seats at the top. Later on into the movie he reaches his arm over my shoulders and I look at him a bit wide eyed. "Come on." He says and keeps his arms there. I've never been in a situation like this before and froze. I like him as a friend. Plus I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to just remove his arm and say "Sorry but no." So minutes later I say "I have to go to the washroom." And I leave hoping that when I'll come back he won't do it again. When I came back I did shuffle slightly away. He did hesitate to put his arm around me, he didn't.

What should I have done in this situation? How should I handle it. -Yes I know this is corny but I feel so bad about it and am confused.

(didn't get every detail but there was more)

There is this friend of mine that I found out likes me more than a friend.?headache

when someone goes into your circle and you feel uncomfortable tell them, even if it is a friend, your doing more harm by not telling them to get out of your space then allowing, if you tell them right away it makes you uncomfortable, and keeps trying hopefully someone hears you and helps you out, no one should feel uncomfortable even with friends, and if thats all you think of him is as a friend tell him before it gets way out of hand then one day you all won't be friends!

There is this friend of mine that I found out likes me more than a friend.?paramount theater opera theater

whoa thats moving to fast i would of stopped his hands..if you are thinking no they dont let him do it! and tell him you are not confrotable with it!

The Chicken At The Movies?

A man approached the window of a movie theater with a chicken on his shoulder and asked for two tickets.

"Who's the other ticket for?" the ticket girl asked.

"For my pet chicken." He said, pointing to the bird.

"I'm sorry," the girl tells him, "but we don't allow animals in the theater."

The man walked around the corner of the building, and stuffed the chicken into his pants. He returned to the ticket window and bought a ticket, entered the theater, and sat down.

The chicken started to get too hot, so the man, figuring it was okay because it was dark to unzipped his pants and let the chicken stick its head out.

The woman seated next to him looked down in horror. She nudged her friend Amanda and whispered, "Amanda! This man next to me just unzipped his pants!"

Amanda replied, "Oh, don't worry about it. Just ignore him. If you've seen one, you've seen them all."

The woman whispered back, "I know, I know, but this one's eating my popcorn!"

The Chicken At The Movies?plays's one for you

One day Jack's dad bought a robot.

The robot was special in that it could detect a lie andwould slap the person who lied on the face.

Jack returned late from school that day and his dad asked him,"Son why are you late from school?".

Jack answered, "Dad we had extra classes today".

Much to his astonishment the Robot jumped up and slapped Jack on his face.

His dad told him, this robot is special in that he

can detect a lie and will then slap the person who lied now come on tell me the truth, " Why are you late?"

"Dad I went for a movie",

"Which movie?"

"The Ten Commandments" ,

Splatt... Jack got a tight slap on the face from the robot.

"No dad honest I went for the movie Sex Queen."

"Shame on you son when I was your age I never used to do such shameful things."

Splatt, the dad gets a tight slap on the face from the robot.

Hearing all this, Jack's mother comes out of the

kitchen saying, "After all he is your son"

The robot steps up and gives a resounding slap on Jack's mothers face!


The Chicken At The Movies?opera ticket opera theater

Thanks for the laugh!
Good One Thanks
very good
Made me laugh
First giggle of the evening!
great laugh
Good laugh,,have a star,,ha ha ha v good

Would you read this?

I am writing a novel about a girl named Story and her boyfriend Muse. The bf tells Story that the gods are just imaginary friends. Story asks Loki to prover him wrong. So loki leaves a bag of magic-laced weed, which both her and her bf smoke. Loki takes over the bf and uses his body and Story's imagination to end the world. Again. Anyways, this is a scene from when Story is introduced to all the gods living on earth.

They walk to the table and take their seats.

Story opens her menu and looks at Lokke in disgust.

“I can cook anything on here for half the price in half the time. Just so you know.”

Lokke toys with his glass of water. “My dear, one does not eat out for the food alone. Ambience is everything in the world of fine dining. The linens, the little penguins with their trays of beautifully arranged plates, and most of all, the other diners. A restaurant is theater, entertainment. Strangers, to watch. Ugly people in outfits they have no business wearing. Fat people who order a whole roast pig and a Diet Coke. Theater at it’s finest.” His gaze wanders to the plain man in the corner.

“So what, is this some kind of date? Do you think just because you’re in his body, that I’ll **** you? That you can just buy me dinner and throw in a few witty jokes and suddenly I just start liking you again? **** that.”

Lokke grins. “My dear, I can get goddesses. Why would I ever even consider a sniveling, mortal brat like yourself?”

Story, despite her anger, was offended. “What, didn’t you just tell me that’s what I’m to become, a goddess? I’m not good enough for you?”

Lokke grins bigger. “No you’re not. Sorry. And I’m not buying you dinner, I stole your bank card. Now shut up and let daddy work, okay?”

Lokke raises his hand to hail a waiter.

“Yes, sir, are you ready for something to drink. An appetizer, maybe?”

Story kicked Lokke under the table. “Yeah, he’ll have a big glass of shut the **** up. With a twist of lime.”

The waiter raised his eyebrows at her, then turned to Lokke as if to say ‘ and what are you going to do about this’.

Loki motioned for him to lean closer and whispered in his ear “Poor thing just lost her boyfriend. Awful tragedy, left her crazy, you see. Total schizo, and a drunk, besides. I’ll try and keep her under control, okay buddy?”

The waiter nodded. “Wine, sir?”

“Pinot Noir, the whole bottle, and two glasses.”

“Very good, sir.”

When the waiter was out of sight, Lokke kicked back, hard.

“JESUS ******* CHRIST!” Story yelled out, grasping her leg.

Lokke giggled silently. “Oh, dear. I’m so sorry. Was that your gimpy leg? My bad.

The man in the corner noticed the couple now. Oh yes. And he was walking their way. The waiter had also returned, and gave Story a smile of pity as he poured the wine.

The man stood behind Story and cleared his throat loudly. “Excuse me ma’m, but do keep your outbursts to yourself. SOME of us are trying to keep our dinner a bit more…low-key.”

Story had been in the middle of a big gulp of wine when he said it. Helpless to stop it, she sprayed the fine red wine all over Lokke’s nice white suit as she laughed loudly, throwing in an unladylike snort for good measure. The waiter promptly brought Lokke a damp towel and club soda, and brought her a bib.

Lokke dabbed at his suit, calm as can be. “Puns, Story, are the lowest form of humor.” He glanced up at the man behind her. “Sheep-lover”

The man raised his eyebrows. “Goat-******”.

Lokke stood and shook his hand. “Fancy meeting you here. So, how’s Heaven.”

The man tightened his grip. “Fine. How’s your mom?”

Lokke released his hand. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask your dad?”

Lokke pulled out a chair for the man, and he sat as well. The waiter returned with a pitcher of ice water.

“Water, sir?”

The man’s eyes smiled for him. “Wine, actually.”

“Very good sir.”

“So, why did Laufey win when they moved Survivor to Norway?” The man looked at Story when he asked this, and winked.

“I don’t know. Why are you sitting here, again?” Story finished her second glass of Pinot.

“Because she couldn’t get voted off the island!” The man began to laugh, but it died on his lips as he saw the blank stares facing back at him.

“She’s an island….she couldn’t get voted off…aw, **** it, man. You all have no sense of humor.”

The waiter was back, eager to take their order before Story got to her third glass.

“Are we ready to order, then?”

Story spoke first, “I’ll have a salad. By salad I mean lettuce, tomato, onion and cheese. With ranch dressing. Lots of it.”

Lokke looked at her with disgust. “I find your attitude no longer a-musing, love. Ranch dressing, indeed!”

He turned to the waiter. “The lady and I will have the Kobe sirloin with the truffle infused au jus, and the gratin of summer squash.”

“And for you sir?” The waiter looked at the man expectantly.

“I’ll have the pan seared Ahi tuna. And can you bring us some rolls?”

Lokke snickered. “Bread and fishes? How cliché!”

The man sipped his wine. “Didn’t someone sew your mouth shut?”

Loki finished his glass in one drink. “Didn’t someone crucify you?”

The man tipped his glass at Lokke. “Touche’ “

He leaned in, and stared into Lokke’s eyes.

“I SAID, I’M NOT GAY! JESUS CHRIST, MAN, TAKE A HINT!” The entire restaurant swiveled their heads towards the back in one well orchestrated motion. The theater was open for business.

The man laughed and so did Lokke. Story was now deep into her cups, and wondered what the hell was so funny.

Loki and the man hugged, laughing still.

The man dabbed at his eyes, his laughter fading. “I see you’re trying the something new. A body. It…well, it suits you I suppose.”

Lokke nodded. “Yeah, I figured I’d try the whole ‘take over the the body of a mortal to bring rebirth to the world’ thing this time.”

The man looked unimpressed. “It’s been done.” He turned to Story. “I found, from my own experiences, that having partners can be a great way to end up high and dry. And dead.”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Don’t think I haven’t tried.”

Lokke poured the man another glass. “How IS Judas these days?”

The man ignored him and turned to story. “ You see that man over there?”

Loki piped in loudly. “Yeah, that fat one, over there. HEY BUDDY, SEA WORLD CALLED. THEY NEED YOU BACK IN AN HOUR!”

Story laughed, and the man continued. “That’s Buddha.”

“What about that guy over there?” Story pointed at an Arab man dining across the room.


The man cleared his throat. “Allah.”

“And him?” She pointed at a Richard Gere- wannabe with an eyepatch, sitting near the door.

Loki failed to offend. “That man? That man is my brother.”

Would you read this?ms stress

Wow, I liked it! It definitely got my attention, and I would be interested in reading the finished work. Good premise for a book. Why did you choose those particular names for the characters? (Muses are typically considered to be female, but I think it's a nice twist.)

There were just a few minor things that would need changing though.. here are two examples..

"Story, despite her anger, was offended." Having "despite" in there doesn't quite make sense. It would be appropriate if she, for example, laughed despite her anger. It has to be two things in opposition to each other. Being offended and angry are both negative emotions.

There was at least one instance of using a present tense verb whereas most of it is in past tense. Make sure you're consistent in this regard.

I do part-time work as a proofreader in a College town, where I guarantee my clients to be improved at least one letter grade. I won't write for them, I simply make it sound better. I have considered doing this for writers who wish to be published as well, but I'm unsure of how to go about this. Write me if you might be interested, and I'll send you a rewritten sample paragraph. Anyone who reads this is also welcome to contact me about this.

Harry Potter 5 midnight showing?

Alright, so I bought tickets to the midnight showing, but when do you think I should arrive at the theater??

I went to the first showing (8:00) of PotC, and there was a line about 1 1/2 hours before the movie started, and the only reason we got good seats was because we cut the line to meet our friends. I also went to a showing on the opening day of PotC 2, and there was lines for two showings about an hour apart!! That's pretty much the line trends at my theater.

Basically, I've been to first showings before, but I don't know when lines start, and I'd like to be one of the first people there. Note: At my theater, you can't get in line until after you bought tickets, so I don't have the reassurance of people still having to buy. Help plz?

Harry Potter 5 midnight showing?binoculars

I would give the movie theater a call and ask them what time u should come. I fthey dont have it where u can talk 2 a person maybe if it is possible just stop buy and ask. If none of that works I would go 2 it about 3 1/2 hours (or more) before the movie. It may be a long wait but then u will get good seats. Bring music to listen 2 or a good book 2 read. Hopefully u r going w/ friends so it is not 2 boring. Have fun @ the movie. I wanted 2 c it tonight but I get 2 see it Saturday.

Harry Potter 5 midnight showing?violin opera theater

All I can tell you is this, when we bought our tickets we were told if we showed up 1 hour before showtime, we would be the very LAST people in line! Good luck!
Hi everyone, Im Joel from Bolivia and I have already seen the best Harry Potter movie yet. (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix).

Here in La Paz Bolivia the premiere of this movie was the midnight of July 10 - 11. Meaning that the movie began at 00:01 a.m. of Wednesday July 11. It is great to see a movie here in Bolivia before anyone else in America. For you all to know, the time in Bolivia is the same ET in USA.

Im obviously, HAPPY and I have to say that it is a HUGE movie. The best moments for me were when Dumbledore escapes from his office with the help of Fawkes, I really liked Grawp and Kreacher. But I didn't like the things they changed from the books, for example in the movie Cho Chang is the one who reveals the location of the Dumbledore's Army practices and then Severus Snape says that Cho told the secret to Dolores because they gave her Veritaserum. Actually the movie is too short, you never get to See Ron's father in the hospital and in the department of Misteries you just get to see the Prophecies chamber and the Dead chamber and you never get to see the other chambers. But I really loved Luna, she is just like I imagined her. and you never get to see Fierenze in the movie.

And Sirius dies fast too, I mean there is not such a long battle and Bellatrix looks like a crazy woman more than a witch.

There are a lot of other cuts of the book, and I can say that I will be HARD to understand every second if you haven't read the book yet, because they want to give so much information in such a short time.

But after all It is a great movie, has a lot of action. I wish that they had included when Sirius is almost caught by Umbridge in the Gryffindor common room fireplace because you just see him talking trough the fire and just like a gosth, not like ashes (like previous movies)

There is no Quidditch match In which Gryffindor defeats Slytherin. And of course we never get to see Neither Gilderoy Lockhart in St. Mungo's nor Neville with his gran visiting his parents.

We never see Rita Skeeter writting for the Quibbler.

and of course I wish they didn't cut the part when McGonagall is stunned. but they did.... OUCH!!! of course everyone was expecting to see that.

Anyway is a good movie... See it as soon as you can.

If you have a midnight showing, you have a 6 o'clock line start. If you want to get in the door, within the 1`st 200 seats, be in line by 9.

If your willing to wait 1-1 1/2 an hour when you get there already, why stand in line an additional 2-4 hours to hour on actually purchasing the ticket ;) Seems like bad math to me.
when i went to see goblet at midnight, there were people waiting since 9am that morning. i arrived about 3 hours early and ate dinner in line and i was still about 50 people or so back. i guess it all depends on your location, but I'm arriving about 3 hours before with snacks and my DS lite. =+)

How bout this one?

A man approached the window of a movie theater with a chicken on his shoulder and asked for two tickets.

"Who's the other ticket for?" the ticket girl asked.

"For my pet chicken." He said, pointing to the bird.

"I'm sorry," the girl tells him, "but we don't allow animals in the theater."

The man walked around the corner of the building, and stuffed the chicken into his pants. He returned to the ticket window and bought a ticket, entered the theater, and sat down.

The chicken started to get too hot, so the man, figuring it was okay because it was dark to unzipped his pants and let the chicken stick its head out.

The woman seated next to him looked down in horror. She nudged her friend Amanda and whispered, "Amanda! This man next to me just unzipped his pants!"

Amanda replied, "Oh, don't worry about it. Just ignore him. If you've seen one, you've seen them all."

The woman whispered back, "I know, I know, but this one's eating my popcorn!"

How bout this one?performing arts center

there's one that goes like this

"There is a man that is a pilot and he put a little chick in his pants because it wasn't allowed on the plane, anyway so he unzipps his pants and his co-pilot says "dude, did your eggs just hatch?" (balls)"

How bout this one?sunshine opera theater

Ha Ha .....Good one!!!!!
Pretty funny. Thanks for the laugh to end the day here in the Mountain time zone.
oh so lovely HAHAHA
I almost stifled a laugh

LOL Hilarious! LOL.

Kudos! 10*

Thanks for the laughs!

It is a Good Joke!
half funny.
LOL that was...hmmm......a little weird. But funny.
very very funny
Not funny at all
i agree with 1/2 funny
haha i love it great joke!
that's grooooooooooss
thats really funny. nice one dude
o gosh that was kind of disturbing
Not funny!! That was my popcorn!!! LMAO!!!!
not bad
LOL That's TOO good
Ew. This one is gross. not funny!!

Really good joke ......?

A man approached the window of a movie theater with a chicken on his shoulder and asked for two tickets.

"Who's the other ticket for?" the ticket girl asked.

"For my pet chicken." He said, pointing to the bird.

"I'm sorry," the girl tells him, "but we don't allow animals in the theater."

The man walked around the corner of the building, and stuffed the chicken into his pants. He returned to the ticket window and bought a ticket, entered the theater, and sat down.

The chicken started to get too hot, so the man, figuring it was okay because it was dark to unzipped his pants and let the chicken stick its head out.

The woman seated next to him looked down in horror. She nudged her friend Amanda and whispered, "Amanda! This man next to me just unzipped his pants!"

Amanda replied, "Oh, don't worry about it. Just ignore him. If you've seen one, you've seen them all."

The woman whispered back, "I know, I know, but this one's eating my popcorn!"

Really good joke ......?opera score

Oh my gosh! Hilarious! They thought it was a bo*er eating popcorn!

Really good joke ......?musicals opera theater


nice one!

hahahah!!now THATS FUNNii
it was fuuunnnnnyyyyy
That might be the stupidest joke i've ever heard

good one!

Funny or what?

A man approached the window of a movie theater with a chicken on his shoulder and asked for two tickets.

"Who's the other ticket for?" the ticket girl asked.

"For my pet chicken." He said, pointing to the bird.

"I'm sorry," the girl tells him, "but we don't allow animals in the theater."

The man walked around the corner of the building, and stuffed the chicken into his pants. He returned to the ticket window and bought a ticket, entered the theater, and sat down.

The chicken started to get too hot, so the man, figuring it was okay because it was dark to unzipped his pants and let the chicken stick its head out.

The woman seated next to him looked down in horror. She nudged her friend Amanda and whispered, "Amanda! This man next to me just unzipped his pants!"

Amanda replied, "Oh, don't worry about it. Just ignore him. If you've seen one, you've seen them all."

The woman whispered back, "I know, I know, but this one's eating my popcorn!"

Funny or what?greek theater

The peeping cock sometimes eats popcorn and sometimes chips from the women in the neighbouring seats!

Please tell me which is the original source for this joke.

Funny or what?performing arts show opera theater

lmao, thats cute?
I don't get the eating my popcorn thing.
lol, gross
I have an objection to the statement...

"If you have seen one you have seen them all"

What do you think guys?
That's definitely funny.
good one lol.
just a little fun bcuz I've heard better
Pretty good - I was expecting something about a man choking the chicken.....
A little bit funny.
lol nice one
7 out of 10
lol that hilarious rotflmao
It was o.k.
good one lol
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
hahaha really nice lol
haha I like it..its really cute.
thats cute
Good one.
i smirked but not 1 of ur best 8/10 hunni x
Popcorn Chicken! Hilarious.
yep funny :)
not funny at all

Do you have any pets that you can't just separate from them?

A man approached the window of a movie theater with a chicken on his shoulder and asked for two tickets.

"Who's the other ticket for?" the ticket girl asked.

"For my pet chicken." He said, pointing to the bird.

"I'm sorry," the girl tells him, "but we don't allow animals in the theater."

The man walked around the corner of the building, and stuffed the chicken into his pants. He returned to the ticket window and bought a ticket, entered the theater, and sat down.

The chicken started to get too hot, so the man, figuring it was okay because it was dark to unzipped his pants and let the chicken stick its head out.

The woman seated next to him looked down in horror. She nudged her friend Amanda and whispered, "Amanda! This man next to me just unzipped his pants!"

Amanda replied, "Oh, don't worry about it. Just ignore him. If you've seen one, you've seen them all."

The woman whispered back, "I know, I know, but this one's eating my popcorn!"

Do you have any pets that you can't just separate from them?home theatre

Funny question,I really liked it.

Do you have any pets that you can't just separate from them?ballet theater opera theater

That was a googy ,crack another that is allwhite...only yolking..stop you say..eggcellent idea...poor little thing couldn't help it , he was peckish I guess..Amanda may have been looking for a man da hug. tee hee..then she got chicken. it babe!!
Just love it.
ha ha... very good.. i like that... im never going to be able to look at the chicken clients the same again..
Lmfao.. omg, that was good..
hahaha but no... us chickens dont like that that theater should be ashamed not lettin us chickens in mabye i should show htem my medals =]

plz though u shouldve brought a man bag or something in not down the pants ewww

keep em comin!

Tell if this is a funny joke!??!?

A man approached the window of a movie theater with a chicken on his shoulder and asked for two tickets.

"Who's the other ticket for?" the ticket girl asked.

"For my pet chicken." He said, pointing to the bird.

"I'm sorry," the girl tells him, "but we don't allow animals in the theater."

The man walked around the corner of the building, and stuffed the chicken into his pants. He returned to the ticket window and bought a ticket, entered the theater, and sat down.

The chicken started to get too hot, so the man, figuring it was okay because it was dark to unzipped his pants and let the chicken stick its head out.

The woman seated next to him looked down in horror. She nudged her friend Amanda and whispered, "Amanda! This man next to me just unzipped his pants!"

Amanda replied, "Oh, don't worry about it. Just ignore him. If you've seen one, you've seen them all."

The woman whispered back, "I know, I know, but this one's eating my popcorn!"

Tell if this is a funny joke!??!?palace theatre

hahahahhahahaha soooooooooooooooooo funnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!

Tell if this is a funny joke!??!?concert tickets opera theater

ya, no, not funny.
it's worth a chuckle

Do u hate movies that end wrong?

Here i am spending lots of money in a movie theater to go watch a movie, you are all into it, on the edge of your seat, and then it just ends. It just ends. I sit there so mad, me and my husband look at each other , walk out the theater quietly and then when we get in the car we start complaining about how mad we are we just wasted our money on that.

why are the producers so mean? I mean, we are going to pay anyway so can't they make an ending that ENDS?

Do u hate movies that end wrong?regal theater

Sounds like you watched Cloverfield.

In a way it annoys me, but I also like my movies to be unpredictable. So sometimes you do not get happy endings.

Do u hate movies that end wrong?performing art center opera theaterMaybe there's going to be a sequel. Report It

YES! It makes me feel like I completely wasted my time/money!
I love to watch movies. I can even sit through a bad movie but when the ending screws up the entire movie, I want to go find the director and bash his head in.
Maybe thats why I don't watch movies anymore...there's just not enough imagination in hollywood to come up with an
Oh yeah, especially with the cost of movies now. I mean where I live it is about 8 bucks a person to see a movie, and that is nothing compared to what it is like in California and other states like that. I hate the movies that have an open ending. Also, I hate the ones where there is obviously going to be a sequal. I mean, look at the Harry Potter movies...they all have an ending, and you already know that there is going to be another one, which is good because they actually have an ending to each of the movies. But some of the other movies really suck because you watch the whole thing and then it just ends with you having to wait another whole year and go see the next one...and you probably have already forgotten about that one by the time the next one comes out. Yeah I agree with you 100%
I know what you mean!! I friggin hate that!!!!

Im like WhaT!!!! It cant be over... theyre just kidding right!? Lol! Then my bf has to listen to me question all the parts i didnt understand, etc, etc..!!! Lol!

They mostly do that so there can be a part two i think!
Yeah, what was up with "No Country for Old Men"

Did anyone understand why that movie ended?

did I miss the to be continued message at the end or something.

Absolutley no resolution at the end of the movie.

The bad guy didn't die.

They didn't show the final shoot out.

and the supporting actor gives a speech at the end that made no sense to anything the movie was about.
Give an example please. Most times it is not the producers, but rather the writers who make a film "just end" (e.g. "Children of Men"). If the story has centered on one character and that character's journey is over (they die?) then the film is over.

A lot of times the producer's will go in and ask that an ending be added to a film or the film re-edited as to make it less ambiguous (Blade Runner).

But I agree with you on some points: I can't stand "deadline endings"... the kind where you have spent 2 hours getting involved and something wraps the movie up nicely (look up "deus ex machina").
yes it does..good thing i didnt watch cloverfield..i got a feedback from my dad he said it was kind of boring all they do is bring a camera run around with it..he said it looked like a documentary but its not a real documentary cause monsters or creatures like godzilla never exist..if it did new york would be gone by now!
Yeah, I know. All that build up just to reach a flat conclusion. Some straight to video movies end way better than big budget movies at the theatre, sometimes brilliantly.
this isn't a very substantial answer to your question.. but, yes. i hate when you KNOW it should end one certain way, but they throw some BS ending in. yuck.
no just njoy everything

What was some of the slang used in your generation? Have any favorites?

I like the slang from the 1960s. Here are some samples:

A gas=A lot of fun.


Birth Control Seats=Bucket seats.

Church Key=A soda or beer can opener.

Cop a Feeling=petting.

Cooties=Someone who wasn't cool had them.

Ditz=An idiot.

Easy=A girl who was a sure thing, sexually.

Flake=A useless person.

Fox=An outstanding looking girl or woman.

Passion Pit=A drive-in theater.

Shake It, Don't Break It=Said to a girl who had an awesome wiggle in her walk.

Hangin' A B.A.=A car full of guys pull up to another car (usually full of girls) %26amp; one guy drops his pants, bends over %26amp; sticks his "bare a$$" out the window.

Chinese Fire Drill=Car with teens stop at a red light. Passengers %26amp; drivers would run around the car switching seats, before the light turned green.

What was some of the slang used in your generation? Have any favorites?globe theater

Ok, here's some new school, meaning currently used slang.

Smash - boning a chick. "I would smash that."

Fergalicious - gay.

Spongebob - cops.

Fagadocious - gay.

Buttermilks - a nice as.s

Gnarly - extreme.

Shred - something death metal bands do. Or having areally good time. "Damn dude, that band BMTH shreds." or "Last weekend, we were shreddin gnarly."

Son - dude, bro, man. "What's up son?"

Brewski - beer.

Moose knuckle - a cameltoe.

Ninja boot - a moose knuckle.

Cash and prizes - a man's manly junk.

Ham wallet - vagina.

Gut locker - vagina.

Knuckin - fight.

Murdered - really nice.

Slab - car or truck. "Dude, I've got a murdered out slab son."

What was some of the slang used in your generation? Have any favorites?oper opera theater

Cool, it's been in style for a long time, but some people spell it "Kewl" now. Raised raised in the 70s.

spaz - kind of like geek

that's sick

i'm so wasted




boob tube



ahhh great memories!!!
Mountebank = Con Artist. The expression broke us up so much that we fell in the mud and got our doublets all dirty.

Can someone read my essay and tell me if it's good?

Ok, this is a rough draft, so tell me what you think and if there are any changes you would make, let me know.

Dining at Sardis Italian restaurant in New York City was an interesting experience. Located in the heart of New York City’s theater district, Sardis may look like an ideal place to dine pre show or post show, but our experience proved otherwise. The ambience of the restaurant lead us to believe it would be an excellent dining experience, but the menus were overpriced, they have an apparent rodent problem, and we were less than impressed with the quality of the food.

One summer evening, my mother, best friend and I were meeting my aunt in the city to see the lion king. We were starving, and our show was starting in a few hours. We were sitting in the backseat of a New York City cab scanning the streets for an adequate place to eat. Then, my aunt called and suggested that we eat at a Sardis. At this point were so excited that we didn’t care where we ate, so my mother instructed the driver to take us to West 44th street, where Sardi’s was located. The cab dropped us off on the street corner, and we had to walk a little until we reached the restaurant.

At First, we thought we had chosen an excellent restaurant. Everything about it seemed perfect. There was a lighted sign that read Sardis with a comedy tragedy mask symbol beneath it. The small puddle of water on the ground below was reflecting the colors of the neon sign, and it added to the attractiveness of the restaurant. There was another sign that read “Sardi’s, the toast of Broadway for 82 years". We entered with enthusiasm. The restaurant was mostly empty, and we were seated right away. The Soft music that was playing in the background made me feel relaxed after hearing the loud sounds from the busy city streets. There was a man waiting at a podium facing the entrance. He was dressed in a button down suit with a bowtie. He greeted us with a smile as he led us to our seats. I looked around and saw that everything was decorated in different shades of red. The walls were the color of red wine, and the carpet on the floors matched. Small circular tables covered with crisp white linen table cloths filled the room. Each of them was already set, with centerpieces containing flowers that matched the color scheme of the restaurant. Lining the red walls were caricatures signed by famous people who had eaten there before. Each picture also had a short biography of the star. There were so many of them! Vanessa Williams, Whoppi Goldberg, Jason Biggs, Billy Zane, JOHN LEGUIZAMO, and even Lucille Ball were just some of the faces that I recognized. I felt honored to be eating in the same restaurant as all of these famous people. Some of the pictures even contained personalized messages from the stars, claiming how great Sardi’s was. Underneath the Jason Biggs’ picture, he wrote “Sardi’s- The best on Broadway! What an Honor” All of this led us to believe that we couldn’t have picked a better place to eat. As we followed the attendant to be seated, I was still seeing more pictures. Sally Field, Michael Douglass, Kevin Bacon, George Hamilton, and Katy Lee Gifford faces were smiling down on us. When we finally sat down, my friend and I were ready to eat, and the excitement in our eyes caught notice of our parents. They seemed happy that we were enjoying ourselves.

Next, things started to go bad. When the waiter came to take our orders, I inadvertently found evidence of their rodent problem. After we received our drinks, our waiter went back into the kitchen through the singing door behind our table. My friend had placed her bag underneath my chair and she asked me to reach for it. As I went scrambling for her purse, the waiter came back. He started to take our order, but was interrupted by my shriek of disgust. My hand had met a sticky surface that I could not identify with. When I lifted my hand from underneath the table, a mouse trap that was stuck to my sleeve became visible to everyone in the restaurant. I began shaking my arm wildly to set it free. I didn’t want to touch it because I already had enough of the sticky stuff on my hands. The couple looking over at us prompted me to calm down as to not draw attention to myself. The waiter nervously reached over me and pulled the pad off of my dress sleeve and tucked it behind his back to hide it from view. He apologized profusely, and then disappeared through the swinging doors again. There was tension in the room, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to eat anymore. The waiter came back and took our orders, and I while he was talking I was wondering what he did with the mouse pad. I tried to forget about the mouse pad, and gazed at the pictures on the wall.

Lastly, the quality of the food did not meet our expectations. Everything was so expensive, and we didn’t want much to eat at this point. As we looked throughout the menu, we saw items like Steak Tartar - Ground Beef prepared at the table

With a choice of: Anchovies, Pasteurized Eggs, and Capers and Chopped Onions for$29.00, or Duck and Foie Gras Terrine with a Petite Salad, with Sherry Vinegar. There was also Vidalia Onion Compote and Toasted Baguette Croutons for $16.00, and a Grilled Angus Burger served with French Fried Potatoes,

Tomato, Onion and Pickle for $18.75. None of this sounded very good, we all decided that the safest thing would be the Sardis club which was a sandwich made with turkey lettuce and tomato served with French fries on the side, for 18.75 For nearly 20.00, the sandwich was not worth it. The fries tasted terrible, and the waiter brought me rye bread when I asked for wheat. Since I hate the taste of rye bread, this made everything even worse. We were running late, so I decided to keep it, and we packed our unfinished meal to go. I bit into a dry sandwich of turkey, lettuce, and tomato. All I wanted to do was hurry up and leave so that we could move on to the better part of the evening.

I couldn’t believe that the food was not as good as the testimonials by the stars had described. I was very disappointed.

Can someone read my essay and tell me if it's good?state theatre

is it suppose to sound like that though?? shouldnt u be talking more about how the customers feel about the dining resteruant... and how it has increased in sales etc.. the part where u run into this long story about a time u went there seems unneccesarry.. unless thats what u were asked... i dunno somthing about ur essay sounds off... i wish i could help but u didnt really state the outline of what ur essay is suppose to be about.. srry :(

Can someone read my essay and tell me if it's good?theater opera theater

Overall it was a well organized essay, but there are a couple points that could use some help.

1) Your second paragraph should be meshed with the third paragraph. Although you need some background, it's too detailed, and that confuses the reader on your topic.

2) About the paragraph that talks about the rodent problem. I think you can use a better transition word then "next". Something that leads to a completely different change, such as "However" or "Suddenly".

3) When you go from gazing at the pictures on the wall to "Lastly, the quality of the food did not meet our expectations", its too abrupt, and is a little confusing. Tell us whether you forgot about the mouse trap or, an alternative is doing this: " The waiter came back and took our orders, and I while he was talking I was wondering what he did with the mouse pad. I tried to forget about the mouse pad, and gazed at the pictures on the wall while everyone ordered. Everything was so expensive, and we didn’t want much to eat at this point. As we looked throughout the menu, we saw items like..." That would create much more flow.

I think this is a great rough draft to your essay.

Good luck!!
I read through it and here are my recommendations

First of all, I don't care much for the first sentence, you're basically saying "It was interesting." The first sentence should really grab the reader's attention so they'll want to read the rest of the essay

You need some kind of transition b/tw the 1st and 2nd second you're talking about the quality of the food and then the next you're talking about a summer evening

Watch for repetiton...I noticed that you said "There was" at least five times.

Watch capitalization!...I noticed some words were capitalized that shouldn't be..."At First, we thought we had chosen..." and "The Soft music that was playing..."

"My hand had met a sticky surface that I could not identify with."---You will need to reword this sentence, a sentence isn't supposed to end in "with"...actually my advice would be just to remove the "with" at the end, then the sentence would be fine

One time you said mouse trap and another time you called it mouse pad...I have personally never heard the term "mouse pad" so if I was you I think I'd just keep calling it a mouse trap.

"The waiter came back and took our orders, and I while he was talking..." Be sure to remove the extra I

"None of this sounded very good, we all decided that the safest thing would be the Sardis club which was a sandwich made with turkey lettuce and tomato served with French fries on the side, for 18.75" Double check the punctuation in this sentence

"For nearly 20.00, the sandwich was not worth it." For this sentence, I would change "it" to "the price." You want to avoid saying "it" as much as you can, be more precise rather than just saying "it"

Make sure you have a good ending that sums up everything you've said WITHOUT repeating yourself.

Good essay...I can't imagine being in a restaurant and ending up with a mouse trap on myself!
Interesting story....Do away with the taxi trip paragraph, it's not important. Capitalize Lion King. Shorten your description of the resturant. Maybe you should make it less of a tour of the resturant and more of your feeling about the abience?sp? Take away the pricing of the food. It's Sardi' a famous place you shouldn't expect low prices. In general it is a good story that you wrote. Just cut it back to what's important.
Talk about the play, what it was about and how you enjoyed it that can be your ending.
This is an excellent essay and very descriptive. The only things I would change would be a few grammatical errors. I think preshow and postshow are both one word or hyphenated?Lead should be led in 3rd sentence. The "L" in Lion King should be capitalized and it all should be underlined. Also, is the name of the place Sardis or Sardi's, because it alternates? The f in First shouldn't be capitalized and the s in Soft shouldn't be capitalized in the 3rd paragraph. There also should be period after $18.75. (Sorry I'm being so picky, but some teachers grade picky.) But overall good content! That's gross about the mousetrap and those prices are crazy! Well, anyways, a conclusion usually just restates the theses statement, so just maybe add to the last sentence that you were very disappointed that the menus were overpriced, there was a rodent problem etc...

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