Thursday, December 10, 2009

Taylor Hicks Concert in Maryland: Did you score a ticket? 4/15/07


HAGERSTOWN-The weather was cold, but the tickets were hot.

The Soul Patrol was out in force as tickets for Taylor Hicks' July 6 concert went on sale Saturday morning at The Maryland Theatre.

A dozen or so had camped out overnight to be the first to drop $90 a pop to see the 2006 American Idol winner, braving temperatures that dipped to 28 degrees as spring still struggled to take hold in Western Maryland.

Shannon Ellifritt, 21, and her mother Yvonne, 43, saw Hicks twice on last year's Idol tour.

"He's the all-American guy," Buhrman said. "And he's the only person I'd leave my husband for."

Which could mean a couple of men from Williamsport could be taking a gamble: they went to the theater to buy tickets for their wives, who were traveling in New York this weekend.

Myers was buying tickets for herself, her boyfriend and her nephew, all of whom were fans, she said. Hicks was her Idol favorite because "he always makes me smile."

"My whole family's coming," said Sharon Morgan of Shepherdstown, W.Va.

They also will see Hicks on Tuesday night at Ram's Head Live in Baltimore, one of three sold-out shows the Alabama soul singer is playing in the region this week.

He opens at the Birchmere music hall in Alexandria, Va., tonight, and will play a second concert on Monday.

It took more than three hours to work through the initial rush Saturday morning, said Brian Sullivan, executive director of The Maryland Theatre.

Sullivan went to the theater at 6 a.m. to check on the crowd. "They're great people - they love Taylor Hicks."

Some of them also were a little disappointed - some of the better seats already had been reserved before tickets went on sale. .

Meanwhile, some 600 tickets had sold by Saturday at 4 p.m. Sullivan predicted the show would easily sell out.

Any tickets left from Saturday's sales will be available from the box office, online or by phone beginning Monday at 8 a.m., Sullivan said.

Taylor Hicks Concert in Maryland: Did you score a ticket?pacific theater

Damn, "BUNKY" . .it gotta be tough to not only be IGNORANT...

But to be so stupid you hang yo dumb *** out for all the world to see while you dissin' Taylor Hicks . . . ?

The BLACKEST white man in America?

I sho' do feel sorry fo' yo' Mama, boy...

She deserve a whole lot better'n she got in you . . .

Lawdy . . . somebody need to steal yo' computer . . .

You be a danger to every body with ears to hear %26amp; eyes to see.

Now you jest gotta git yo dumb self offa this machine and go back to MTV, honey....'fore you ruin yo family name forever...

You listenen' to me Funky-Hunky-Dunky-Bunky?

Taylor Hicks Concert in Maryland: Did you score a ticket?phantom of the opera opera theater

If that weren't so funny, it would be very, very sad.
score a ticket?? no, chances are i have to buy them

he worth the money though

Tay my boy-love him lots

don't understand why is cd isn't on the billboard top 20 where it belongs

get the wal-mart one it has an extra copy and lets put the Taylor man where he belongs on the billboard top 20

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