My older brother used to takes us to the Saturday afternoon matinee and when the theater was jam-packed full of food-fighting kids, we couldn't find a seat.
So, my big brother took something out of his pocket that looked like a small ketchup package leftover from Wendys and, he stepped on it releasing the most foul, rotten-eggs ever! We got our seats all right but we had to put up with the stink for awhile.
Now just for chits and giggles, how can I make another big stink like big brother did?
How to make a stink bomb?events
A stink bomb or stinkbomb is a device designed to create an unpleasant smell. They range in effectiveness from simple pranks to military grade chemical agents.
At one end of the spectrum, relatively harmless stink bombs consist of aluminum sulfide, which smells strongly of rotten eggs. When exposed to air, the aluminum sulfide reacts with moisture, hydrolyzes, and hydrogen sulfide is released. Other popular substances on which to base stink bombs are thiols with lower molecular weight, e.g., methyl mercaptan and ethyl mercaptan 鈥?the chemicals that give odor to skunks and are added to natural gas. A variation on this idea is the scent bomb, or perfume bomb, filled with an overpowering "cheap perfume" smell. Prank stink bombs and perfume bombs are usually sold as a 1- or 2- ml sealed glass ampoule, which can be broken by throwing against a hard surface or by crushing under one's shoe sole, thus releasing the odorous liquid contained therein.
How to make a stink bomb?home theatre opera theateri know an easier way mix detergent with vinagar let it fizz wen its dun add water seabreeze and sesitive eye i made it and poured it on my friends garden it killed everyplant and knocked out my friend takes 3 weeks to set Report It
Stink bombs can be dangerous to the health of some people, especially little kids and people with respiratory problems. Not funny at all if people get sick.
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